06 Oktober 2010

good day, good wednesday!

good day, good wednesday!

yesss! i enjoyed much today! a lot of surprises hahahahaa

I wake up in the morning because i going to HanamigawaKu Office Ward to get my card.
It is a card we called "kartu tanda penduduk" in Indonesia.
Me, Chau, Vy, Timo, and Anh went there by bicycle.
We didn't now exactly the way but the "travellers feeling" guided us to there.
arrived safely after 30 minutes.

now, i can save my passport and please bring this card to everywhere as my identity.
also i can do anything in Japan like make bank account, getting part time job, etc.

Then I went to campus. i have class in 1.30 untill 3.00
the class is called "self directed learning B (reading and writing)
In this class, we can study everywhere to improve my japanese skill in reading and writing
also we have a lesson plan in every week to reach semester target.

So, i went to SALC- a place where speaks Japanese is prohibited in Kanda University-
This is a place to improve English skill (espesially), so there a lot of books, music, videos, movies, and computer in english software.

i borrowed some children books in Japanese, " Ikyuu-san and Funny stories"
while borrowing, i made a new friend from Japan. She is Naoko Arita.
She is having part time job in SALC and helping me to borrow the books.
She asked me to add her facebook. uoooh! i have a new friend again! ;)

Then, I finished the "funny stories" book in the class.
I really happy that i can read Japanese books. A movement! ;)
so after the class, i borrowed again another 2 books. hahahahaa
i really want to improve my Japanese skill in reading,writing,speaking.

in the night, i went to Bu Yuni's mansion.
Bu Yuni is doing a research in Kanda University for 2 months.
She is a professor in Bahasa Indonesia.
Me, Daniel, David, and two other students from 1st year major in Bahasa Indonesia.
We are going to make pisang goreng or fried banana.

In next October, 23th and 24th we are having Hamakaze Festival in University and we with students in major Bahasa Indonesia would like to sell pisang goreng. yihhaaa!
We also sell nasi goreng (4th year students) and soda gembira (3rd year students).

Anyway, i'm going to performance in a play from second year Bahasa Indonesia's students ;)
also i will start to join soccer club in next week.
wish me luck


Anonim mengatakan...

Heyy subo! Perjalanan kau semakin menyenangkan saja. Terus, kenapa kau masuk di soccer club? As a player atau manager? Manager ajaaa kaya' di komik2 cantik itu. Hehehe. :)

farica.wannabe mengatakan...

saya jadi pemain donk, blum ada kata manager terlintas di otak gueeee.. hahaaa

aduh, pas tau ada soccer club di sini
hasrat pemain bola gue keluar lagi
pgn coba juga satu lg itu klub tari hulaaa~

Wills mengatakan...

Loh Rica ada main soccer ya? Good luck with the club!

farica.wannabe mengatakan...

@ko william: iyaaa, aku ada main soccer. hehehe

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