16 Desember 2011

Lover's story

Hey, tell you the truth. I want to write a lot of things. But, too many things to write make me can't decide what to write. Hahahaa

Hmm, okay, the newest thing to tell. Yaph, okay. After a while, finally i date to someone :))) feel happy? Of course.

Honestly, I don't expect too much in this relationship because this is my first time dating a korean boy (cross country relationship) who is 4 yers older than me. I met him in my university. He is one of foreign student in the campus.

Even though he speaks indonesia very well also with english, I think there will be languange barrier, culture barrier, or different the way of thinking.
And i afraid if it is happen to us and we can't find the conclusion. Maybe you think i think too much and i'm agree with that because i'm afraid of losing him. :(

Despite of i'm interested in korean culture recently, my reason to date him is not because of korean wave of hallyu;
But as a man, he is really can make me feel safe yet happy along the day. He also a man with a big dream and vision. He is my oppa :)

We both had committed to learn and understand each other, especially for me; learning about korean culture seriously ( anyway, he has been in jakarta for 4 years)

What he said to me is the cross country relationship is not an easy one, we must work 10 times harder for adaptation. and what i believe is human always changes so knowing people is everlasting, not just only in one time.

"i love you not because i love you but i'm trying to love you" :)))

I hope we can really be partner, friend, love, and support each other :)


Anonim mengatakan...

aigoooo, beda 4 tahun juga. hahaha. sakses kawan! :)

Bowo mengatakan...

oooo, finally ur not single again ca. hahahaha,
congrats yo, wish u happy with him.

single itu prinsip and jomblo itu nasib ca. hahahaha
doakan saya tidak single di 2012 yah

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